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Question The way we curb ESD issues is by preventive measures like wearing wrist straps at all time at production floor. My question is, for anti-static coating tubes with microchips do we need to wear wrist straps while handling them? Please provide some information on this. As far as I'm concerned, anti-static material has less than 200 volts. Therefore at any time if human body generates high charges which may penetrate into anti-static tubes which contain ESD sensitive chips. - Nesan Kumar, AIC Semiconductor, Kulim, Malaysia
Answer I would highly recommend wearing wrist straps when handling ESD sensitive devices in or around ESD packaging tubes. If the devices stay in the tube package and the package is sealed, then the risk is much lower. If your ESD control program eliminates the chances for conductors in the working area to charge over 5 kV, then wrist straps may not be necessary only when the devices are in ESD protective packaging. But, if your control program only incorporates wrist straps (and not ESD floors, dissipative bench tops, ESD foot wear, ESD smocks, training, signs, removal or control of insulators, etc), then I would advise wearing wrist straps all the time when handling ESD sensitive devices in/at any state including in ESD protective.
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