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Question What advice do you have for maintaining the Armstrong conductive floor tiles. It doesn't seem that one would use the conductive floor wax for this flooring? - Anonymous, Newbury Park, CA
Answer If you use anything but an ESD floor finish, then you will inhibit the conductive properties of the conductive tile, i.e., make it insulative. Typically, regular industrial floor finish has wax in it leaving behind an insulative layer. Our Statproof® floor finish is specifically formulated to add dissipative properties as well as antistatic properties. In addition, tile needs a protective top coating to prevent dirt and stains from getting into the tile pours. If this happens they need to bleach or sand out stains/dirt....its ugly and costly. Statproof® floor finish system will protect the tile while giving them the best ESD finish properties available on the tile. NOTE: All finishes have wax as a minor component in their formulation. Our finishes are not a wax based finish, but rather an acrylic based polymer floor finish, which is new technology giving our finish durability and dependability. This new technology allows our finishes to be easily maintained using today's high speed maintenance practices. Waxes (monomers) base finishes are old technology, polymers base finishes out perform waxes, and cross-linked polymer base finishes have some advantages over polymers base finishes., leaves a dissipative film in accordance with ANSI/ESD S7.1 and gives the floor excellent antistatic properties (very low tribocharging properties).
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