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Question Where can I find documentation on the appropriate use of the EIA RS-471 symbol (symbol for electrostatic sensitive devices)? Given an ESD in a metallized bag in a cardboard box, is it acceptable to place the symbol on the box and not the bag? -Anonymous
Answer Yes, it is acceptable to place the symbol on the box and not the bag, see the application section below. The RS-471 symbol is the same as the ANSI/EOS/ESD-S8.1ESD susceptibility symbol. ESD Susceptibility symbol The ESD susceptibility symbol incorporates a reaching hand in a triangle with a slash through it and is used to indicate that an electrical or electronic device or assembly is susceptible to damage from an ESD event. Application The ESD susceptibility symbol should be used on assemblies and devices that have a sensitivity to ESD events. The symbol shall not be used on materials designed for use in ESD protective areas, such as smocks, seating, worksurface materials, tools and equipment, packaging materials, or personnel grounding equipment. The symbol may be incorporated on a sticker used to close or seal ESD protective packaging to indicate that materials inside the package are ESD susceptible. Format The symbol is a reaching hand with defined fingers and fingernail, in a contrasting triangle with a slash in front of the hand.
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